StarShipSofa No 482 David Bruns

April 19, 2017 by Jeremy Szal

Main Fiction: “Dyad” by David Bruns

Originally published in The Cyborg Chronicles

David Bruns is a former officer on a nuclear-powered submarine turned corporate executive
turned science fiction writer. He is the creator of the sci-fi/fantasy series, The Dream Guild Chronicles, as well as numerous pieces of short fiction. In his spare time, he co-writesc ontemporary thrillers with a retired naval intelligence officer. Find out more at

Narrated by: Andrew Leman

Andrew Leman is a producer, designer, actor, writer and director, not necessarily in that order. He has appeared on professional stages in Chicago and Los Angeles, and is a member of Theatre Banshee in Burbank, California. He has designed graphics and props for numerous films and TV shows, and a number of digital fonts that have been used extensively by graphic designers worldwide. With his friend & collaborator of many years, Sean Branney, Andrew has been running The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society since 1984, and has developed numerous film, audio, and gaming projects, including the award-winning motion pictures The Call of Cthulhu and The Whisperer in Darkness, musical projects including A Shoggoth on the Roof and Dreams in the Witch House, and several 1930s-style audio dramas in the Dark Adventure Radio Theatre series. He is the author of Lovecraftian Times, a non-scholarly history of the 1920s and ’30s for HPL fans, and is the designer of highly authentic prop documents for Call of Cthulhu gamers. Andrew is pleased also to be a frequent contributor to the H. P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast. And once upon a time he was a fossil preparator for the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.




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  1. […] the good: my short story “Dyad,” originally published in The Cyborg Chronicles, was sold to the StarShipSofa podcast who turned into a great audio […]