
StarShipSofa No 442 Erica L. Satifka and Mark Mann

Interview: Mark Mann – Hassan and the Beam

Main Fiction: “Signs Following” by Erica L. Satifka

Originally published in Ideomancer

Erica L. Satifka’s fiction has appeared in Clarkesworld, Shimmer, and various other places. Her debut novel Stay Crazy will be released by Apex Publications in August 2016. She lives in Portland, Oregon, with her spouse Rob and three needy cats. Visit her online at or on Twitter @ericasatifka.

Narrated by: Robert A. K. Gonyo

Robert A. K. Gonyo is a theatre director, actor, sound designer, voiceover artist, and musician residing in Queens. He is a Founder & Director of Co-Op Theatre East (, and the producer of Go See a Show!, New York City’s independent theatre podcast (

StarShipSofa 435 Axel Taiari, Wendy Nikel and Steve Humble

Interview: Steve Humble – We really can build a time travelling machine!

Main Fiction: “Beyond the Visible Spectrum” by Axel Taiari

Originally published in Fantasy Scroll Magazine Issue #7

Axel Taiari was born and raised in Paris, France. Publishing credits include Abyss & Apex, Fantasy Scroll, The Big Click, and other magazines and anthologies. He is the co-author of The Soul Standard, to be released by Dzanc Books in 2016. Read more at

Narrated by: Jonathan Danz

Jonathan Danz exists in a parallel dimension that looks suspiciously like West Virginia. When he’s not trundling over rock and root on his velocipede, he labors to hammer stories out of unruly words. With the help of his wife and daughter, he manages to keep track of his car keys, his priorities, and his mind. Should you find yourself in the dusty corners of cyberspace, you may glimpse Words and Coffee, an occasional repository of his thought-mud found at


Short Fiction: “The Retirement of Captain Archibald Moore” by Wendy Nikel

Originally published in Welcome to the Future anthology

When Wendy Nikel isn’t traveling in time, exploring magical islands, or investigating mysterious phenomena, she enjoys a quiet life near Utah’s Wasatch Mountains with her husband and sons. She has a degree in elementary education, a fondness for road trips, and a terrible habit of forgetting where she’s left her cup of tea. Her short fiction has been published in AE, Daily Science Fiction, and elsewhere, and she is a member of the SFWA. For more info, visit

Narrated by: Mike Boris

Mike is a freelance narrator based out of his basement in the lovely Mid-West of the former American Colonies.  He prefers to read out loud for money, but he likes me enough to throw me a free bone every now and again. He’s got a website:, so pop on over…

StarShipSofa No 432 Evan Dicken and Zhe Xu


Your Remarkable Adventure by StarShipSofa host Tony C Smith


Interview: Zhe Xu and the robotic hand


Main Fiction: “Citizen of the Galaxy” by Evan Dicken

Originally published in Analog – December 2014.

By day, Evan Dicken studies old Japanese maps and analyzes medical research data at the Ohio State University. By night, he does neither of these things. His work has most recently appeared in: Escape Pod, Pseudopod, and The Overcast, and he has stories forthcoming from publishers such as: Chaosium, Unlikely Story, and Cast of Wonders. Feel free to visit him at:
Narrated by: Andrea Subissati

Andrea Subissati is a sociologist, journalist and podcaster. In 2010, her masters thesis on the social impact of zombie cinema was published under the title When There’s No More Room In Hell: The Sociology of the Living Dead. She joined the staff of Rue Morgue magazine in 2014, to which she is a frequent contributor. Her writing has also been published in The Undead and Theology (2012) and The Canadian Horror Film: Terror of the Soul (2015).

In addition to writing, Andrea is the co-host and producer of The Faculty of Horror podcast with writer Alexandra West. She has made guest appearances on the Rue Morgue Podcast and Pseudopod, and is co-curator of The Black Museum, a Toronto-based monthly horror lecture series she founded with Canuxploitation creator Paul Corupe. Lady Hellbat lives and works out of Toronto, Ontario. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

StarShipSofa No 422 Brian K. Lowe and Prof. Christopher Riley

Coming Up…

Fiction Crawler 16 by Matthew Sanborn Smith

Interview: Professor Christopher Riley talks about Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Interview: Salvatore Cerchio talks about Omura’s whales off northwest Madagascar

S.Cerchio_CHA20151108D8A-203 v2 copyMain Fiction: “Rights and Wrongs” by Brian K. Lowe

Originally published in Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Magic Medicine Show

Brian K. Lowe is a 21st century SF author who, judging by his cell phone, still lives in the 20th century. His stories have appeared in Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, Buzzy Mag, and  numerous times in Daily Science Fiction. “Rights and Wrongs” originally appeared in IGMS in March 2014. He has self-published three novels: The Invisible City (SF) in 2013; Once a Knight, a Tale of the Daze of Chivalry (fantasy) in 2014; and The Choking Rain (thriller) in 2014. A complete list of his works and his thoughts on why literature would be vastly improved if everyone would just do things his way can be found at http//

Narrated by: David D. Levine

David D. Levine is the author of novel Arabella of Mars (Tor 2016) and over fifty SF and fantasy stories. His story “Tk’Tk’Tk” won the Hugo Award, and he has been shortlisted for awards including the Hugo, Nebula, Campbell, and Sturgeon. Stories have appeared in Asimov’s, Analog, F&SF, and multiple Year’s Best anthologies as well as award-winning collection Space Magic from Wheatland Press.

David is a contributor to George R. R. Martin’s bestselling shared-world series Wild Cards. He is also a member of publishing cooperative Book View Cafe and of nonprofit organization Oregon Science Fiction Conventions Inc. He has narrated podcasts for Escape Pod, PodCastle, and StarShipSofa, and his video “Dr. Talon’s Letter to the Editor” was a finalist for the Parsec Award. In 2010 he spent two weeks at a simulated Mars base in the Utah desert.

David lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife Kate Yule. His web site is


StarShipSofa No 418 Julie Frost and Dr Bruce Drinkwater

Coming Up…

Bruce Drinkwater blueprint plans for ultrasonic tractor beam!

Main Fiction: “Sensory Overload” by Julie Frost

Originally published in Plasma Frequency Magazine.

Julie Frost writes every shade of speculative fiction and lives in Utah with her family (wherein the pets outnumber the people) and a collection of anteaters and Oaxacan carvings, some of which intersect. Her fiction has appeared in Cosmos, Unlikely Story, Plasma Frequency, Stupefying Stories, and many other venues, and has been a Finalist at Writers of the Future and the Hidden Prize for Prose. Her first novel, “Pack Dynamics,” will be released at Salt Lake ComicCon by WordFire Press. She whines about writing, a lot, at

Narrated by Marc Levinthal

Marc Levinthal is a writer and musician who has lived and worked in the Los Angeles area for over thirty years. Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, he moved to L.A. in the early eighties to become a rock star. That didn’t quite happen as planned, but a lot of other cool stuff did. He has been involved with both “The Music Business” (having co-written the hit single “Three Little Pigs” while in the band Green Jello) and “The Motion Picture Industry” (having co-written the score for the cult movie classic “Valley Girl.”)

Marc’s short stories have appeared in Aboriginal Science Fiction, The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction, and several anthologies, including Mondo Zombie and Amazing Stories of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.“The Emerald Burrito of Oz,” a novel written with John Skipp, was published by Eraserhead Press in 2010. His first solo novel,“Other Music,”is forthcoming from Dark RegionsSciFi in early 2016:

Marc currently lives in Pasadena with his two lovely nerd children, somewhere between JPL and Mount Wilson.

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