StarShipSofa No 439 Jeffrey A. Ballard


Twitter: @brookeborel

Infested website: http://infestedbook.com/

Main Fiction: “Underwater Restoration” by Jeffrey A. Ballard

Originally published in Orson Scott Card’s Intergalatic Medicine Show

Jeffrey A. Ballard is a nomadic Yankee that currently lives in the Texas Hill Country. A long time   fascination with the ocean lead him into academia, where he happily spends his days playing scientist   and spends his nights and early mornings writing about the science he wished existed. His science fiction  has appeared in Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, Plasma Frequency, and Fiction River: Time Streams to date. The first full-length Underwater Restorations novel for Isa and the gang debuts October 2016, you can learn more and connect with Jeffrey at www.jaballard.com.

Narrated by: Setsu Uzumé

Setsu spent her formative years in and out of dojos. She also trained in a monastery in rural China,  studying Daoism and swordplay. She is a member of Codex and SFWA. While she has dabbled in many  arts, only writing and martial arts seem to have stuck. Find her on Twitter @KatanaPen


StarShipSofa No 422 Brian K. Lowe and Prof. Christopher Riley

Coming Up…

Fiction Crawler 16 by Matthew Sanborn Smith

Interview: Professor Christopher Riley talks about Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Interview: Salvatore Cerchio talks about Omura’s whales off northwest Madagascar

S.Cerchio_CHA20151108D8A-203 v2 copyMain Fiction: “Rights and Wrongs” by Brian K. Lowe

Originally published in Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Magic Medicine Show

Brian K. Lowe is a 21st century SF author who, judging by his cell phone, still lives in the 20th century. His stories have appeared in Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, Buzzy Mag, and  numerous times in Daily Science Fiction. “Rights and Wrongs” originally appeared in IGMS in March 2014. He has self-published three novels: The Invisible City (SF) in 2013; Once a Knight, a Tale of the Daze of Chivalry (fantasy) in 2014; and The Choking Rain (thriller) in 2014. A complete list of his works and his thoughts on why literature would be vastly improved if everyone would just do things his way can be found at http//:brianklowe.wordpress.com.

Narrated by: David D. Levine

David D. Levine is the author of novel Arabella of Mars (Tor 2016) and over fifty SF and fantasy stories. His story “Tk’Tk’Tk” won the Hugo Award, and he has been shortlisted for awards including the Hugo, Nebula, Campbell, and Sturgeon. Stories have appeared in Asimov’s, Analog, F&SF, and multiple Year’s Best anthologies as well as award-winning collection Space Magic from Wheatland Press.

David is a contributor to George R. R. Martin’s bestselling shared-world series Wild Cards. He is also a member of publishing cooperative Book View Cafe and of nonprofit organization Oregon Science Fiction Conventions Inc. He has narrated podcasts for Escape Pod, PodCastle, and StarShipSofa, and his video “Dr. Talon’s Letter to the Editor” was a finalist for the Parsec Award. In 2010 he spent two weeks at a simulated Mars base in the Utah desert.

David lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife Kate Yule. His web site is www.daviddlevine.com.