Search Results for rikki

StarShipSofa 730 Paul Jessup

Main fiction: “The Glorious Tunnels of our Gravitydragons” by Paul Jessup Paul Jessup is a best selling video game designer, and award winning writer. He has several books out in the small press, with the latest ones being Glass House, Skinless Man Counts to Five, and Cancer Eats the Heart. With over 25 years of […]

StarShipSofa 724 Mark Kenneth Hoover

Main fiction: “Rubber Monkeys” by Mark Kenneth Hoover Kenneth Mark Hoover’s fiction has appeared in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Strange Horizons, and many others. He is a member of SFWA and WWA, and divides his time between Texas and New Mexico. This is his first sale to StarShipSofa. This story originally appeared […]

StarShipSofa 721 Alethea Kontis

Main fiction: “Sassi’s Last Ride” by Alethea Kontis Alethea Kontis is a storm chaser, adventurer, and New York Times bestselling author of over 20 books and 50 short stories. She has received the Scribe Award, the Garden State Teen Book Award, and is a two-time winner of the Gelett Burgess Children’s Book Award. She was […]

StarShipSofa No 693 Lavie Tidhar

Main Fiction: “Gubbinal” by Lavie Tidhar Lavie Tidhar is author of Osama, The Violent Century, A Man Lies Dreaming, Central Station, Unholy Land, By Force Alone, The Hood and The Escapement. His latest novels are Maror and Neom. His work encompasses children’s books (The Candy Mafia), comics (Adler), anthologies (The Best of World SF) and […]

StarShipSofa 415 Anthony Cardno and Zoltan Istvan

Coming Up… The First To The Singularity Click and Try It OUT! FREE Interview: Zoltan Istvan – The First To The Singularity   Fact: Looking Back at Genre History by Amy H Sturgis Main Fiction: “Chasing Satellites” by Anthony Cardno Originally appeared in the anthology Beyond the Sun, edited by Bryan Thomas Schmidt. Anthony R. Cardno’s […]

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