StarShipSofa No 317 Ian Creasey and Anaea Lay Enhanced

February 12, 2014 by pfischer
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Coming up…


People with wings!

Short Fiction: “On Moonlit Wings” by Anaea Lay – 04:03

Anaea Lay lives in Madison, Wisconsin where she sells Real Estate under a different name, writes, cooks, plays board games, spoils her cat, runs the Strange Horizons podcast, and plots to take over the world. Her work has appeared in places such as Lightspeed, Nightmare, Apex and Daily Science Fiction.  You can find her online at

Interview: David Bradshaw – 12:05


Main Fiction: “Joining the High Flyers” by Ian Creasey – 36:48

Outro – 1:46:47

Ian Creasey lives in Yorkshire, England. He’s published about fifty short
stories in various magazines and anthologies, and in 2011 he published his
debut collection, Maps of the Edge.

Narrators: Dennis M. Lane and Logan Waterman

StarShipSofa regulars will know Dennis Lane as the voice of the old movie film talk and his book “The Poring Dark” featured in First Chapters a while back. One thing that you might not know, is that Dennis is a frustrated actor. His mother took him to audition as von Trapp child in a local theatre and he was (in his words) the furthest thing from a little Austrian boy in town. Now he confines his acting to putting on silly voices in front of a microphone.

Logan has a degree in Technical Theatre from California State University, and has worked in many theatres, large and small, professional and amateur. He has also worked for Apple computers, sold hot tubs and comic books, and prepared court documents. He has taught sword-fighting for the stage, and ran lights for a local band, until they broke up.
He currently works, tangentially, for the legal system, watches a lot of science fiction television, listens to a lot of podcasts, and reads a lot of science fiction novels. And comic books. He hopes to make a bit of money from voice acting and narration someday.
Logan currently lives in Northern California with Grendel, a huge black beast whose primary occupations
are sleeping, and stalking the fish in the aquarium, and Morgana, a small fluffy Queen who rules her domain with an iron paw. The fish remain unimpressed.



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