StarShipSofa No 558 D.A. Xiaolin Spires

October 10, 2018 by Gary Dowell
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Main Fiction: “Suvu and Swashbuckling Love” by D.A. Xiaolin Spires

This story originally appeared in Andromeda Spaceways Magazine (December 4, 2017).

D.A. Xiaolin Spires counts stars and sand, residing currently in Hawai’i. You can find her embarking on olfactorial odysseys as she inhales plumeria blossoms, lychee and poi. Her work appears or is forthcoming in publications such as Clarkesworld, Analog, Fireside, Terraform, Nature: Futures, Grievous Angel, Reckoning, Galaxy’s Edge, LONTAR, Andromeda SpacewaysMithila Review, Issues in Earth Science, Factor Four and elsewhereincluding anthologies of the strange and delightful. You can find her on her website or on Twitter: @spireswriter.

Narrated by: Stephanie Morris

Stephanie is a recipient of the Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Award and a graduate of the 2017 Clarion West Writers Workshop. Her short fiction has appeared in FIYAH, Apex Magazine, Nightmare, and Pseudopod. She is a regular podcast reader for Uncanny Magazine and has narrated short fiction for the Escape Artists podcasts, StarShipSofa, and Far Fetched Fables. You can find her on Twitter at @smaliamorris.

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