StarShipSofa 728 Neil Willcox

March 13, 2024 by nick
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Main fiction: “Conscript Sally” by Neil Willcox

Neil Willcox lives in south east England where he has (briefly) studied space science, picked fruit, tutored, and analysed data for insurance. He has most recently been published in voidspace, Hexagon, and Swords And Sorcery Magazine, and has a poem forthcoming from Corvid Queen. He can be found on Bluesky and on his blog,

This story is original to StarShipSofa.

Narrated by: Will Stagl

Will Stagl is proud to be a member of the StarShipSofa team, recruiting narrators for the podcast’s stellar stories. Will works as a creative professional and occasional musician from his adopted home of Tucson, Arizona.

Fact: Looking Back At Genre History by Amy H Sturgis


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