These ‘original’ StarShipSofa episodes were hosted by Tony C Smith and Ciaran O’Carroll. The show was first broadcast in July 2006 and focused on Alfred Bester. This format was carried on until show No. 70 when O’Carroll left. The next thirty shows were completed by Tony C Smith and one by Professor Amy H. Sturgis.

Tony C Smith, Michael Moorcock, & Ciaran O'Carroll - Paris 2007
The shows ran weekly and quickly established StarShipSofa as a point of reference for the great science fiction writers of our time. The show featured commentary on such subjects as Harlan Ellison, Samuel R. Delany, Charles Stross, and other well-known science fiction authors. StarShipSofa also covered subjects such as films and specific themes such as religion in science fiction. All this was wrapped in two guys having a chat with a lot of laughs thrown in.
Why not join them and relive the early day of StarShipSofa…… Blast off!
Buy all 102 episodes at £14.99

StarShipSofa #5 Stanislaw Lem
StarShipSofa #6 Dark Star
StarShipSofa No7 Philip K Dick Part 1
StarShipSofa #8 Philip K Dick Part 2
StarShipSofa #9 Philip K Dick Part 3
StarShipSofa No10 Capricorng One
StarShipSofa #11 Henry Kuttner
StarShipSofa #12 Robert Silverberg
StarShipSofa #13 Joe Haldeman
StarShipSofa No14 L Ron Hubbard
StarShipSofa #15 Harlan Ellison
StarShipSofa #16 Douglas Adams
StarShipSofa #17 Douglas Adams Part 2
StarShipSofa #18 Robert Sheckley
StarShipSofa #19 Roger Zelaznyy
StarShipSofa #20 Iain M Banks
StarShipSofa #21 Ursula K LeGuin
StarShipSofa #22a Xmas Special Pt. 1
StarShipSofa #22b Xmas Special Pt. 2
StarShipSofa #23 Email Show
StarShipSofa #24 James Tiptree Jr
StarShipSofa #25 Neil Gaiman Part 1
StarShipSofa #26 Neil Gaiman Part 2
StarShipSofa #27 Samuel R Delany
StarShipSofa #28 Religion
StarShipSofa #29 Red Dwarf Part 1
StarShipSofa #30 Red Dwarf Part 2
StarShipSofa #31 Gene Wolfe
StarShipSofa #32 Jack Vance
StarShipSofa #33 Clark Ashton Smith
StarShipSofa #34 H G Wells
StarShipSofa #35 Charles Beaumont
StarShipSofa #36 Email Show
StarShipSofa #37 John W Campbell
StarShipSofa #38 Harry Harrison
StarShipSofa #39 Kurt Vonnegut
StarShipSofa #40 Frederik Pohl
StarShipSofa #41 Damon Knight
StarShipSofa #42 New Worlds
StarShipSofa #43 William Gibson
StarShipSofa #44 Philip Jose Famer Pt. 1
StarShipSofa #45 Philip Jose Farmer Pt. 2
StarShipSofa #46 Charles Stross
StarShipSofa #47 Stephen Donaldson Pt. 1
StarShipSofa #48 Stephen R Donaldson Pt. 2
StarShipSofa #49 The Fan Show

StarShipSofa #54 Hugo Award 2007
StarShipSofa #54b Hugo Winner Update
StarShipSofa #55 Andre Norton
StarShipSofa #56 Clifford D Simak
StarShipSofa #57 Vernor Vinge
StarShipSofa_No 58 Joan D Vinge
StarShipSofa #59 C M Kornbluth
StarShipSofa #60 Interzone
StarShipSofa #61 Dan Dare Part 1
StarShipSofa #62 Dan Dare Part 2
StarShipSofa #63 Walter M Miller Part 1
StarShipSofa #64 Walter M Miller Part 2
StarShipSofa #65 Extra Bob
StarShipSofa #66 Moorcock Gonzo
StarShipSofa #67 Larry Niven
StarShipSofa #68 Jerry Pournelle
StarShipSofa #69 Sex in SF
StarShipSofa #70 Spider Robinson
StarShipSofa #71 Christmas SF Chat
StarShipSofa #72 Flowers For Algernon
StarShipSofa #73 Hal Clement
StarShipSofa #74 Octavia Butler
StarShipSofa #75 L Sprague De Camp
StarShipSofa #76 Time Travel
StarShipSofa #77 Olaf Stapledon
StarShipSofa #78 John Sladek
StarShipSofa #79 M John Harrison
StarShipSofa #80 Connie Willis
StarShipSofa #81 BSFA
StarShipSofa #82 Forrest J Ackerman
StarShipSofa #83 F&SF Magazine
StarShipSofa #84 Enders Game
StarShipSofa #85 Alan Moore
StarShipSofa #86 Editorial
StarShipSofa #87 Stephen Baxter
StarShipSofa #88 Ted Chiang
StarShipSofa #89 John Scalzi
StarShipSofa #90 The Back Shows
StarShipSofa #91 A E van Vogt Pt 1
StarShipSofa #92 A E van Vogt Pt 2
StarShipSofa #98 G J Ballard
StarShipSofa #99 H Beam Piper
StarShipSofa #100 Ace Books
StarShipSofa #101 Bruce Sterling
StarShipSofa #102 Edgar Allan Poe
Buy all 102 episodes at £14.99
Very early shows were recorded in the kitchen. Later shows were recorded in the recording studio (living room).

Tony practising being broke, some things never change.

Ciaran on the mic

Bob, night before his interview (Show 65), sleeping on Ciaran's bed.

Ciaran, Kenny Park, Tony - the day before flight to Paris to interview Michael Moorcock. Kenny wanted to sit on the StarShipSofa.

Ciaran with back trouble

Even before StarShipSofa - we were going to be called Corbett's Chair Podcast - hence the tag line... "And its goodnight from him, and it's goodnight from me." Lifted from The Two Ronnies. Even now Tony still ends with..... "Goodnight from me...."

There was always plenty of show notes, the more show notes the better.

Don't ask! Lets just say it was a publicity shot.