StarShipSofa No 381 Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

April 8, 2015 by Jeremy Szal

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Literary Copernicus’: The Cosmic Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft by Amy H Sturgis

Main Fiction: A Forgone Conclusion, by Connor and Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

Sylvia Spruck Wrigley writes hardcore aviation articles and soft science fiction stories (but never both at the same time). Born in Mannheim, she spent her formative years in Los Angeles and now splits her time between South Wales and the Costa del Sol: two coastal regions with almost nothing in common. The first book in her aviation series, *Why Planes Crash*, is available at all good e-book stores. She was nominated for a 2013 Nebula Award for her short story, Alive, Alive Oh. Sylvia’s most recent short stories can be found in Daily Science Fiction, Lightspeed, and Nature’s Futures. You can find out more about her at

Narrated by: Ian Sewell

A lifetime reading SF meant he grew up wanting to be a mad scientist but he ended up doing IT Support which some people say has driven him mad. Despite his reading and work he refuses to interact with technology, the internet and a 10 year old mobile are as far as he will take it. He also refuses to use e-books considering them to be a work of Beelzebub along with parsnips.  A 13th Generation Essex man he moved as soon as he could and ended up the other side of London in Berkshire.  He is glad to have finally found a use for his big mouth!

Short Fiction: Moon Cup, by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

Narrated by Diane Severson

This Burning World by Jeff Lane



  1. I can’t find the download link.

  2. Hmmm … where is the link to the mp3?