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StarShipSofa No 537 Lauren Beukes

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Main Fiction: “Pop Tarts” by Lauren Beukes

Originally appeared in Laugh it Off.

Lauren Beukes is a South African author and scriptwriter. Her books include the black magic noir, Zoo City, which won the Arthur C Clarke Award, The Shining Girls, about a time-travelling serial killer and the survivor who turns the hunt around, which won the University of Johannesburg Prize, and Survivor’s Club, a horror comic with Dale Halvorsen and Ryan Kelly. Her latest book is Slipping: Short Stories, Essays & Other Writing, which includes Pop Tarts and other weirdnesses.

Narrated by: Masali Baduza 

Masali Baduza is an actress based in Cape Town. She studied at the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles. She has two babies (read: dogs) who make her very happy. Chocolate also makes her very happy. Cheesy pasta too. One day she hopes to run a production company.

Special thanks to Jon Keevy of the Alexander Bar Cape Town theatre and the Sound Foundry studio, where this story was professionally recorded.

Tony at YouTube