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StarShipSofa No 527 Julie Novakova and G. V. Anderson

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Main Fiction: “Etude for an Extraordinary Mind” by Julie Novakova

Originally published in Futuristica

Julie Novakova is a Czech author and translator of science fiction, fantasy and detective stories. She has published short fiction in Clarkesworld, Asimov’s, Analog and other magazines and anthologies, and her translations of other authors’ work appeared in, Strange Horizons and F&SF. Her work in Czech includes seven novels, one anthology (“Terra Nullius”) and over thirty short stories and novelettes. Julie is an evolutionary biologist by study and also takes a keen interest in planetary science. She’s currently working on her first novel in English and on translating more Czech stories into English. Read more at, Twitter @Julianne_SF and Facebook

Narrated by: Abra Staffin-Wiebe

Abra Staffin-Wiebe loves dark science fiction, cheerful horror, and futuristic fairy tales. Dozens of her short stories have appeared at publications including, Escape Pod, and Odyssey Magazine. She lives in Minneapolis, where she wrangles her children, pets, and the mad scientist she keeps in the attic. When not writing or wrangling, she collects folk tales and photographs whatever stands still long enough to allow it. Win one of ten signed copies of A Circus of Brass and Bone, a post-apocalyptic steampunk alternate history, by going to her Goodreads giveaway at, open February 12 – March 12.

Short Fiction: “Butterfly Eyes” by G. V. Anderson

‘G. V. Anderson is a British writer whose professional debut, Das Steingeschöpf, won the World Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction in 2017. Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Syntax & Salt, Strange Horizons, and F&SF.’

Narrated by: Logan Waterman

Logan Waterman has a degree in Technical Theatre from California State University, and has worked in many theatres, large and small, professional and amateur. Logan currently lives in Northern California with Grendel, a huge black beast whose primary occupations are sleeping, stalking the fish in the aquarium, and keeping the house safe from the hordes of invisible monsters that come out after dark; and Morgana, a small fluffy Queen who rules her domain with an iron paw. The fish are unimpressed. He has narrated for The Drabblecast and all five District of Wonders shows and is the only story narrator to do so.


StarShipSofa No 469 J. W. Alden

Patreon Postcards

Main Fiction: “The Sun Falls Apart” by J. W. Alden

Originally published in Writers of the Future Volume 32

J.W. Alden is fascinated with the fantastic. He lives near West Palm Beach, Florida with his wife Allison, who doesn’t mind the odd assortment of musical instruments and medieval weaponry that decorate his office (as long as he brandishes the former more often than the latter). Alden is a 1st Place Writers of the Future winner, a graduate of the Odyssey Writing Workshop, and an active member of SFWA. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Nature, Daily Science Fiction, Cast of Wonders, and other places. Read more from him at

Narrated by: Spencer DiSparti

Spencer DiSparti hails from the ashes of Phoenix, AZ. He is a musician, published poet and professional voice actor. You can find most of his voice work on Pseudopod and Escape artists. You can find his poetry and flash fiction at and