yosef lindell

StarShipSofa No 494 Yosef Lindell

Main Fiction: “We Were Once of the Sky” by Yosef Lindell

Originally published in Beneath Ceaseless Skies

Yosef Lindell is a lawyer, writer, and occasional historian. His short fiction has previously appeared in Clarkesworld and Beneath Ceaseless Skies and has been translated into Chinese and Vietnamese.Yosef resides in an unincorporated part of Maryland just outside of Washington, DC with his wife and son. You can find him online at yoseflindell.wordpress.com.

Narrated by: Jeremy Moran

Jeremy Moran is a writer, filmmaker, and actor based in Austin Tx. You can usually catch him doing improv around the city. Check out his writings and films at www.jeremymoran.com. Follow his happenings at @moranicjeremy on Twitter.