On the 26th January Spider Robinson with deliver his live online lecture How To Write Science Fiction… with Spider Robinson. We hooked up today to sort out logistics. Spider sang the Beatles for me… this is why I do what I do! Click here to listen!
StarShipSofa Talks To Fred Pohl and Jack Vance
The response to this interview I carried with Fred Pohl and Jack Vance has been over whelming. In response to people’s requests I have posted it here as a stand alone interview. Click here to listen. Or “right-click” and download the mp3
Norman Spinrad interview from 2008
With the row breaking out over Norman Spinrad and his latest On Books column in Asimov’s Science Fiction. People might like to hear this interview I did with Norman Spinrad. It was recorded in 2008 at a French SF Convention and has never been played before – it seems a good time to put it […]
StarShipSofa WorldCon Special
This is a Worldcon Special show. It will be one of six. You can listen to the rest over on our sister show The Sofanauts.
The Engine Room No 12 The Sofanaut Awards 2008
The Engine Room No 12 The Sofanaut Awards 2008 Well, this is it folks… the numbers have been counted and the winners are: Well, before that can I just say a big thank you to one and all who have help/contributed/listened/complained/smiled and cried over the first 52 shows of Aural Delights. Thank you. And a […]