escape pod

StarShipSofa No 441 William Ledbetter

Fact: Science News by J J Campanella

Main Fiction: “The Rings of Mars” by William Ledbetter

Originally published in Writers of the Future Volume 28.

William Ledbetter is a writer with more than forty speculative fiction stories and non-fiction articles published in markets such as Fantasy & Science Fiction, Jim Baen’s Universe, Writers of the Future, Escape Pod, Ad Astra and He’s been a space and technology geek since childhood and spent most of his non-writing career in the aerospace and defense industry. He administers the Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award contest for Baen Books and the National Space Society, is a member of SFWA, the National Space Society of North Texas, a Launch Pad Astronomy workshop graduate, is the Science Track coordinator for the Fencon convention and is a consulting editor at Heroic Fantasy Quarterly. He lives near Dallas with his family and too many animals.

Narrated by: J.S. Arquin

J.S. Arquin is an actor, writer, musician and pessimistic optimist.  He lives in Portland, Oregon and spends a large portion of his time producing The Overcast, a speculative fiction podcast featuring breathtaking stories from the Pacific Northwest and Beyond. Find it at:




StarShipSofa No 432 Evan Dicken and Zhe Xu


Your Remarkable Adventure by StarShipSofa host Tony C Smith


Interview: Zhe Xu and the robotic hand


Main Fiction: “Citizen of the Galaxy” by Evan Dicken

Originally published in Analog – December 2014.

By day, Evan Dicken studies old Japanese maps and analyzes medical research data at the Ohio State University. By night, he does neither of these things. His work has most recently appeared in: Escape Pod, Pseudopod, and The Overcast, and he has stories forthcoming from publishers such as: Chaosium, Unlikely Story, and Cast of Wonders. Feel free to visit him at:
Narrated by: Andrea Subissati

Andrea Subissati is a sociologist, journalist and podcaster. In 2010, her masters thesis on the social impact of zombie cinema was published under the title When There’s No More Room In Hell: The Sociology of the Living Dead. She joined the staff of Rue Morgue magazine in 2014, to which she is a frequent contributor. Her writing has also been published in The Undead and Theology (2012) and The Canadian Horror Film: Terror of the Soul (2015).

In addition to writing, Andrea is the co-host and producer of The Faculty of Horror podcast with writer Alexandra West. She has made guest appearances on the Rue Morgue Podcast and Pseudopod, and is co-curator of The Black Museum, a Toronto-based monthly horror lecture series she founded with Canuxploitation creator Paul Corupe. Lady Hellbat lives and works out of Toronto, Ontario. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.